Home Featured Self-Portrait


by Stephanie Alfaia

I see myself in the shadows of an Abalone
compressed to a thousand grains that support
turquoise Waves, growing into different hues
sinking and rising with the tides of time.

I never inspect the withered assumption
of my face’s jaded dialogue in sand
the deceptive spreading of the words
oozing from the skin to the edges of salt water
etched on the ground by gravity and wishing.

Passing for the seriousness of my eye,
is a reluctance to remain there safe
and the perfect posture of my lips, it skirts
from the curves of the seashell hiding me
and sits determined like the stone in my pupil
mute and unassuming.

To gather myself, I will swim naked
up to shore against tide, clashing winds
spreading my arms, stopping now to dance
like a million shards of sun at dawn
and gather myself from the particles of
this excitement, of this new structure
resembling a new beginning.

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